Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Christians' Fertility Issue in Western Europe


          The number of the Christian population in Europe is getting smaller. A continent, once Christian, is challenged with a change in religious coloratura. If this course continues in the same way as today, the Christians will be outnumbered by the non-Christians.  
         One reason for this is that the church fails to be a light for the world because of its coldness. People don’t have an interest in church attendance, fellowship, or other aspects of religious practices. The degeneration of faith in families, lack of prayer life, fewer children, negative criticisms regarding priests and the religious, and the fear of obstacles faced by the missionaries, among other things, are factors in the decline. The decreasing number of missionary vocations has become a crucial challenge.
In a recent study by Ellison Research, it was discovered that four out of ten pastors state that they are not interested in reaching out further to their communities. Such is the case with all major denominations, and it holds true with both evangelical and mainline churches. So how can a pastor not want to do the ministry required of the position? The excuses abound – from lack of funds or facilities to not enough time to clear apathy about the community. It’s time for pastors and churches to drop the excuses. The growth of a church just cannot occur nor be sustained unless that church is reaching out to the community in some fashion.
It’s so easy to get into the internal attitude falling focusing only on the members of the church. While this ministry is crucially important, Christ also calls Christians to an entire world of ministry beyond the church walls. In the past when life had fewer distractions people measured Church attendance on weekly basis, but today regular Churchgoing is often measured as those that go at least once a month.
 A report on "Churchgoing in the UK" published by Tearfund in April 2007 shows that only 15% of Christians go to Church at least once a month.
         In South France, once a traditional Christian area, are more mosques than church buildings; 30 % of children are Islamic and in some large cities their number reaches 45%.
In 40 years France would be an Islamic Republic. In Great Brittany 50 percent of newborn are Muslims, and in 50 years half of the population might be Muslims. Germany is expected to be a Muslim country in 2050. 

        On the other hand, we find the low family standard. For a country, to increase the number of the population, strong families formed by both husband and wife are essential. From ancient times the conception about family was that God established family and demanded the multiplication for replenishing the earth. The heterosexual family was considered as being a true family until the last few decades when the same-sex family conception arises. The children were considered a gift from God and families received them with joy. Today that joy is limited to one or two children for a family. The decreasing of genuine population in Western Europe is alarmingly. For a population to increase in number, a fertility rate of 2.11 is required. But in the European Union, that counts 31 countries, the average fertility rate is 1.38. So the children who are expected to replenish the churches are a small number. This is why the average age of members in many churches is very far above the ground. 
The Muslims consider that the foundation of the society, and the nurture of children is the most important function of the family, then such a society is undeniably civilized. In the Islamic system of life, this kind of a family provides the environment under which both human values and morals develop and grow in the new generations; these values and morals cannot exist apart from the family unit. If, on the other hand, free sexual relationship and illegitimate children become the basis of a society, as in many modern societies, the meaning of morality is limited to such an extent that all those aspects which distinguish man from animal, are considered beyond its sphere. In these societies, illegitimate sexual relationships even homosexuality, are not considered immoral.
Many church denominations are penetrated today by the new age teaching movement as the same-sex family, the ordination of homosexuals in chairs of priests and bishops. So the family value is neglected and the next generations will loss the true notion of a good family.
         A call to awakening is crucial, a revolution of the today church must be the vision of the people of God. We need to look back to our ancestors; to refine the evaluation of the true church and to understand how dangerous the road we stepped on is. Godly families united in the love of God will produce a godly church. How can we accept the idea that same-sex families, the divorced and separated members can form a strong church? The non-Christians will not be attracted by a church that is not different than the common world.
The immigration is a very good attempt to keep the number of the population on a reasonable number, but we must have in mind that the immigrants must find in the adopted country not only a better life, but a higher cultural and spiritual atmosphere. To such a motivation we, the churches, are called: to offer others a fullness of real, valuable goods. The Islamic religion has many good values, but it is known that some negative things exist in their teaching as the use of force in making proselytes. So with their way of life they can not replace the church in the Christian society of Western Europe. The nonviolence and the love of the enemies are the key points in the teaching of the church.
The same sex families can adopt children, but they can not reproduce themselves. So their fertility rate is zero. It is no hope to resolve the church crisis in their way of life. And their adopted children can not have a good example of a standard-family.
If we the churches borrow customs from the outsiders, we are on the risk of becoming

social clubs, attracting worldly people with no chance to be changed in godly people. We have to return with all our hearts to God who has the wisdom and power to direct us on the road of righteousness. And above all these sayings we are called to prayer and hope.

Ioan Nita


Time Magazine, Jeff Chu, June 08, 2008. O father Were Are You?

Sayyid Qutb, The Civilized Family System

Francis Schaeffer, Statistics and Reasons for Church Decline